Microgranular fertilizer market: future scenario

Microgranular fertilizer market, advantages and growth trends.

Microgranular fertilizer market, advantages and growth trends. Let’s analyse future scenarios of the precision fertilization through Straits Research report.

Straits Research report


The “MicroGranular Fertilizer Market” report conducted by Straits Research, a research institute, and published on April 26th, 2023, puts a light on the microgranular fertilizer market. The research focused on two different types of microgranular fertilizers:

  1. Straight fertilizers (such as nitrogen, phosphate, and potash fertilizers)
  2. Complex fertilizers (such as NPK, NP fertilizers).

The research highlights a growth trend for the 2023-2031 (+3.80% CAGR) decade and has involved the biggest world regions: Asia, America, India, and Pacific States stand out as the major consumers of microgranular fertilizers.

Microgranular fertilizers: main advantages


Furthermore, the report emphasizes what are the main advantages that push agricultural market to choose microgranular fertilizers within the fertilization plans. It is possible to find in the research:

  1. Fast nutrients absorption resulting from the in-furrow application (close to seeds or roots),
  2. Decreasing leaching losses,
  3. Decreasing inappropriate use of fertilizer (excessive or inadequate).

DEMA Fertilizers products


DEMA Fertilizers, commercial brand of ProPHOS Chemicals (mentioned in the research as one of the main players in the fertilizer industry), bases its philosophy on saving and in accordance with the main advantages of a localized fertilization.

To find out more, read why choose a microgranular fertilizer.


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